Resisting Arrest A BIG RED FLAG
As a juror, if I hear the words “resisting arrest” uttered by police I would acquit on all charges. I would be suspect of the police and immediately move to strike their testimony from my mind, and then practice “JUROR NULLIFICATION”.
Be skeptical. Resisting arrest is one of the most farcical of all charges. Police officers – with their musculature, weaponry and intimidation tactics often get out of control. We are at a special time in history with a police force that claims to always be afraid. Funny as it’s the safest time in history. They would not do well as Old West Sheriffs.
So police today often use violence as a way of dealing with the public. Because they are afraid. okay sure … Resisting arrest is the absolute most farcical concept .. and police say they MUST injure and hurt regular people because it exists. This law should be removed from the list of crimes. It seems to enable crime. It is ALWAYS a LIE – Police use this ‘resisting arrest’ farce as a way of doing everything bad to people. Beating killing and wrongful arresting. You should be skeptical of everything that comes out the mouth of an officer who utters or charges people with “resisting arrest.” It should send up a BIG RED FLAG! And your response should be NOT GUILTY! Armed Goons ganging up in multiple numbers like a pack of dogs innocent people because they claim to be afraid when they know they are acting with impunity – beating up regular people has become the NORM because you, the Juror don’t respond with your responsibility, your juror responsibility of ‘due diligence’.
Youtube is filled with COUNTLESS videos of police hurting weaker people, and they always use the “resisting arrest” as a reason. In every instance police claim resistance. Never believe it; instead if they dare bullshit you the Juror, then one has no choice but to rule against farcical Police testimony; their story is a skilled and experienced manufactured lie. It’s a story they’ve convincingly told many times. It’s co,plete bullshit. So when you hear it .. NOT GUILTY. If Police must engage in this bold bullshitting of the people then Police have no case. Use Juror Nullification to send a signal to this broken one sided system – otherwise the system is bolstered toward even more injustice for we the people. And you the idiot.
These Police said “resisting arrest” was the reason they murdered George Floyd in Minnesota. He was your typical resisting arrest candidate. A dead black man.
Without video the bad guys win. The killers get away with it. Without video we the people usually GET the full power of the state shutting down justice. The juror is the law – not the judge and not the prosecutor. They are employees there to administer YOUR JUDGEMENT.
They should be telling you about Juror Nullification according a Supreme Court ruling in 1920 (100 years ago). Judges like to refer to 1880’s ruling (140 years ago) that came before – saying the judge does not have tell you the entire law rests in the hand of the juror.
The juror is the law, able to strike down any unfair law the law the state may want to impose. This is the single area in America that is actual democracy. Not the politicians who get elected because they are pushed into a spotlight. The juror does not get any spotlight. Juror means ‘the law decider!’ Not the best argument decider, but the actual law. This is why bad laws are still on the books and can be enforced and why you MUST practice Juror Nullification. The system refuses to adhere to the people, so you MUST take charge and tell the system that they are not the law, you are.