Justice NewsPrivacy Crimes

Google and Facebook are 4th Amendment Privacy Criminals

Google and Facebook as Privacy Criminals. SPY Creeps  Thwarting US Laws and 4th Amendment

How much longer will America put up with these creeps. Looking in our Bedroom windows. Creating a record of our MOST PERSONAL events – long after we have forgotten. 

Laughable Commercial Targets American Ignorance

“Keep Your Hands Off Technology” Commercial

 Facebook and GOOGLE want to keep collecting your most private information and create a dossier. And they want you (the people) to keep your hands off of it! 


A complete abomination of the 4th Amendment and right to be secure in your so called “papers and effects.”

This Commercial piece does not go into any detail of what ‘keep your hands off’ means – it just tells you to call your Senator.

You should ask you Senator, and get all sides.

Nothing New: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/techtank/2022/06/15/history-repeats-itself-with-big-techs-misleading-advertising/

These guys are Bad :https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/google-class-action-lawsuit-and-settlement-news/google-faces-class-action-lawsuit-over-android-lockbox-privacy-violations/ 

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