Justice News

16 Women Have Accused Trump of Rape and Sexual Assault as Trump Rape Trial Moves Forward

President Trump is a Rapist and Republican Legislators are his Enablers

Linked Washington post Photo


Trump has a lot of reasons for wanting re-election but the least of which are serving the American people. Trump and the Trump family stand accused of so many crimes that they are all in trouble without the protection of the presidency. From tax evasion on a huge scale of hundreds of millions, sexual assault, rape, slander, defamation, and not paying anyone who has ever working for him the agreed upon price. Trump pulls a fast one with every professional person he’s ever hired. Then pulls the rug out. Now he is on the rug. Donald Trump has a secret Chinese bank account? He owes nearly a BILLION DOLLARS to Russia? He pays more taxes in China than in America?

Our taxpayer monies are really working hard for our proud rapist President paying for all his rapist defending lawyers and firms of attorneys. Arguing details, making motions to get the Trump rape trial dismissed, then ‘JUSTICE SYSTEM ATTORNEYS’ moving the trial to Federal court where Bill Barr can get his dirty fat mobster fingers on it. Trump has been accused of sexual assault and rape by 16 different women. That Bible he was holding in his DC photo-op would have had him convicted at 4 women. Two witnesses, and another 2 witnesses.

Trump is losing in court. The Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan is ruling against him the same way they ruled against Clinton. No man is above the law in America. The Trump lawyers argue that Trump is a federal employee and protected, but the judge said his alleged crimes were NOT done in his role as an federal employee. In addition, the judge also denied the ’employee claim’. A President is not an employee. So Trump lawyers are really holding on by fingernails if that is their defense. Trump is effectively saying: “sure, I raped her but it’s okay because I was an employee of the federal government.”

FOX News Would Announce 16 Sexual Assaults On a Daily Basis

If there was ever Democrat accused of a Single sexual assault FOX news would go crazy just at the accusation. When you are a professional liar that’s all you need. REMEMBER when consensual sex was impeachable if you were Democrat. Receiving a blow job was an impeachable offense because Clinton kept his sexual encounters private. And the fascists demanded to know else it be criminal. Look at how big of a deal they make because Hunter Biden had a job. Fox News is completely silent on Republican legislator crimes. Huge sluging crimes. Silent on secret Chinese Bank Accounts and owing 900 billion dollars to Russia. Way to go Fox News! You are America’s Pravda. These FOX NEWS professional liars have turned truth and lies into apples and oranges. When truth and lies are really apples and no apples at all. APPLES and NONE.

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